Hi everyone,
I am so excited to start this blog! I hope you really get something out of it and if you do, I hope you will share it with your friends. I want to make an impact on your life and guide you to find your unique voice and your perfect balance in a simple and easy way!
Each week I will have a new topic and I will divide the topic up into two sections so you can do as much or as little as you see fit. Picking which topic to put first has been one of my hardest decisions, there are just so many things I want to share. My hope is that you will visit my blog several times each week, take the information you need, apply it to your life and in turn find your true happiness!
On that note, I thought a good first topic would be Happiness Is A Choice. We decide each day how we let our life, our interactions, our hopes and our dreams affect us. Listen to the messages you tell yourself each day. Do they promote happiness or dissatisfaction? Begin to hear what you tell yourself over and over again throughout the day. Do you feel sorry for yourself and say "poor me", or do you beat yourself up and say "I am stupid"? If so, I bet this is how life treats you. You don't feel like you deserve better and you don't get better.
What if you were to change that message to "I love my life"? How do you think life would treat you? By doing something as simple as changing our perspective and our message, we can change our whole day, our whole life! Our minds work to make the statements we tell ourselves true. What do you want to be true in your life? Tell yourself that message and that is what you will begin to create.
With kids, I sometimes find myself asking if it is them or me? When something frustrates me is it because I am on edge or are they really being unreasonable or extra trying? Sometimes all it takes is for me to approach the situation with humor and it changes everything. See how it is my approach that is causing my reaction and if I make a change, I can change the whole situation.
Your outlook and approach have a huge impact on your life. Choose to be positive! Change the message you send yourself.
QUESTIONS-my suggestion is to start a journal and begin to work through the questions I will pose after each blog. If that seems too daunting, allow yourself a few minutes to work through the questions in your mind.
-What do you think your life is like? hard, sad ,unfullfilling, wonderful, amazing....
-How would you feel each day if you were happy? What are you waiting for?
-What is preventing you from being happy?
-How can you change that? Can you shift how you think about this aspect of your life if you can't change it right now?
-What would your perfect life look like?
-Can you take one small step each day to create your perfect life?
-What will you do today to change your perspective about something in your life that is negatively impacting your?
-What will you do tomorrow?
Check out the schedule on the right so you can see when new topics and updates will show up each week. I hope you follow my blog and keep coming back so you can create your perfect life!
What messages do you tell yourself each day? Be aware of the things you say to yourself and if they are negative, work on changing them to something positive.
Coach Gaye
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