Self-Care 3-B
Hopefully at the beginning of the week, you were able to take some time to practice self-care. Today, we will look at how taking care of yourself makes you feel. Look back to topic 3A to see more or start at topic 1A and work your way here.
Remember in this process to be true to you and move along at your own pace. If a topic hits home, spend more time there or if you have mastered a topic already, create a challenge for yourself or give yourself a break. You are in charge of your life and what you get from it so use the blog a resource, but always be true to your needs.
For some of you, practicing self-care may have been very hard. I know there are many people out there that give to others and only think of themselves if there is something leftover. I hope you were able to do a little something just for you this week so you can explore the different feelings this brings about.
As step 2 of practicing self-care, I want you to notice your feelings when you take care of you. By starting to look at yourself and your needs, and by beginning to take care of yourself, you can change your whole approach to life. Each time you do something for yourself this week, notice how you feel during and afterwards. Are you smiling? Are you happier? Is there a change from the way you normally behave?
Last week we went on vacation and I did not want to have any delays in my blog posting schedule. Well, needless to say, things happened that changed those plans. My plan was to do my Thursday blog posting during our layover in the airport but we had a major delay and ended up running through the airport to catch our next flight. So, I did not get a chance to work on my blog. Then, yesterday, I had other things to do during the day but I knew I still needed to get my blog posted. Finally, last night, I was going to sit down to do my blog, but I checked in with myself and knew that if I postponed the blog by one day and took the evening to relax, I would be much better off. I had been going and going and I could keep that up and feel stressed, or I could take some time for me and have a much better evening and morning! By checking in to see how I was feeling, I was able to make choices that kept me happy, which in turn made my interactions with others better too.
Questions- Spend some time thinking about the answers or journal about your thoughts!
What did you do this week to practice self-care?
How do you feel when you spend time doing something that gives you joy?
How does this change your perspective?
How do you approach others?
How do you approach life?
What is your perfect balance of taking care of you and keeping your tank full vs. taking care of others?
What does it feel like to come from a place of happy/full vs. rundown/empty?
What can you do for yourself to make sure you are taking care of you and your needs?
What will you do tomorrow to put a smile on your face?
Fieldwork 3B-Each time you do something for yourself, acknowledge how it makes you feel. How does it feel while you are doing it, how does it feel after you do it and how does it impact your feelings for the rest of the day? What does it feel like to have a full tank vs. an empty tank?? Do you see any benefits to practicing self-care? If so, what are the benefits?
Bonus Challenge topic 3-
One of the major reasons for practicing self-care is to improve your overall life. By taking care of you, you will enhance your interaction with others! This week explore others reactions when you are coming from a place where you are taken care of and happy vs. running on empty. Do they react differently, is your interaction better, what benefits do you see in your approach to others when you take care of yourself? Recognize your impact on others! How can you be your best?
I would love to hear your feedback! If you have any questions or comments, email me a
Enjoy the journey!
Coach Gaye
Quote of the week: Eda LeShan= When we truly care for ourselves, it becomes possible to care far more profoundly for other people. The more alert and sensitive we are to our own needs, the more loving and generous we can be toward others.