I think balance is one of the key areas we can focus on to create our own perfect life. There are many different activities that pull us in opposing directions and it is sometimes hard to figure out what we should spend our time doing. For each of you, your balance will be very unique so this week we will take some time to review what you spend your time doing, what you enjoy doing and how you can make changes so you are more in balance. I want everyone to take time to look at the different places you spend your time and you will compare this with your ideal balance. When you look at these two groups together, you will begin to see what takes up most of your time and energy and you will get an idea of what you need to shift around to create your ideal balance. Look at the Fieldwork section to see more about this!
As a Mother of 2 children, I have struggled to find my perfect balance and I continually have to work on what creates harmony and peace for me and my family. What works one day may not work the next and I can not look at anyone else to define this perfect balance for me. I may be able to take bits and pieces of what works for my friends and/or my family, but ultimately I have to figure out what I need and what my husband and children need to make us each happy individually and as a whole. Yoga is an example of one of the activities that really help me feel good and feel like I am balanced. I know if I don't get to one or two yoga classes a week, I am not being true to my perfect balance. This is one of the things I work really hard to keep on my schedule because of the benefits it provides.
By taking time to look at your life now and to compare it to your ideal balance, you may notice some areas that are out of alignment. I understand there are commitments, jobs and families pulling you in different directions so I am not suggesting you become selfish and just do what makes you happy and forget about everything else. What I am suggesting is that you become aware of how you spend your time and learn what you enjoy doing so you can begin to implement small changes so you are being true to yourself!
Either journal about these ideas or spend some time answering them to yourself.
- Do you feel balanced?
- What is something you need in your life to feel balanced?
- How much time do you spend doing that activity each day/week?
- What do you spend most of your time doing?
- What does this make you feel like?
- Do you enjoy the activity?
- What do you wish you had more time to focus on?
- Can you make any shifts in your schedule to take more time on the activities that are important to you?
- Can you say no to the things that don't enhance your balance and give you something back and say yes to the things you love?
- What are you going to do tomorrow to begin to create your perfect balance?
Fieldwork 2A-Place the following items in order of importance to you. 1 being the most important and 10 the least important. Be honest with yourself about how you feel! Change or remove any items that are not present in your life right now.
Extended Family
Groups/Extracurricular activities
Now rate these same items in terms of who or what gets most of your attention right now.
-Do these lists look similar or different?
-What does this tell you about how you are focusing your time?
-How would you feel if you spent the majority of your time focusing on the items that are the most important to you?
-How can you begin to do this?
I hope you are beginning to make some changes and I hope you are learning about yourself! Email me at with any questions or comments. I would love to hear from you! Thanks for reading!
Coach Gaye
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