Monday, February 21, 2011

4A This Week's Topic is Abundance

Topic 4A-
This week's topic is Abundance.  By abundance, I mean there is plenty for everyone.  Sometimes it is easy to look at others and see what they have or what they do well and we may become a little jealous.  If we know there is plenty for everyone, we can appreciate what others have and look at the parts we may like and we can use that information to create what is best for us.

Instead of being jealous, acknowledge what others have and allow them to have it.  If you want something similar and it fits with your true ideal life, then create that for you.  There is no limit to what you can create for yourself.  Instead of looking at others with envy, appreciate them, get to know yourself and what you truly want and create that for yourself!

We can all have what we want.  Come from a place of abundance and it takes away the competition and jealousy.  What is it you want??

Take some time to think about your answers or journal about these questions.
- What are some things you appreciate in others?
- What have you envied in others?
- Can you allow them to have that and acknowledge and appreciate it for them?
- If you know there is plenty for everyone, does it help?
- If there is plenty for everyone, what do you want in your life?
- Who do you want to be?
- What steps do you need to take to create what you want?

Think about the traits and characteristics you admire in others.  Acknowledge what you appreciate in them and allow them to have that.  Tell at least one person what you appreciate and admire about them.  Be more willing to share what you think is great about others.

Quote: Tara Meyer Robson- If you want a limitless, abundant, loving life, make sure that all you believe is limitless, abundant, compassionate and loving.

Enjoy the journey!
Coach Gaye

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