Monday, May 16, 2011

16-A Coming Home

What does home mean to you?  In yoga last week, my instructor asked us this question and for me many different things came to mind.  My childhood home, the home I live in now with my husband and children, working out, reading, and doing yoga.  I feel lucky to have so many places or things that make me feel "home".  I can go to these places and feel safe and secure and recharge myself.

My instructor said she thought about this question after finally getting to do yoga after a 2 week hiatus.  She said after class, she was driving home and she felt a great sense of "coming home".  What really struck me about this was not only the coming home part, but it was the energy she brought to class that day.  She is always so fun loving and energetic, but that day she was exceptional.  We could all feel she had "gone home" too.

I want each of us to know the feeling of going home and to be able to feel the energy that pours out because we have done exactly what we need just for us. 

- What do you need to do to feel like you are "home"?
- What is home to you?
- How often do you spend time there?
- What does it feel like to be "home"?
- What is your energy level?
- What does it do for you as a person?
- How can you make it a point to spend more time in that place?

Define what "home" means to you.  It does not necessarily need to be a place.  It can be an activity or it can be a person that makes you feel safe and secure.  Where can you go to recharge and feel like you are doing something just for you?  Find that place and make a point to spend some time there this week.

Topic 16 Bonus Challenge:
Was there an energy shift when you went "home"? Notice what your energy felt like this week when you took time to go to your safe place and recharge.

Maya Angelou- I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself.

Enjoy the journey!
Coach Gaye

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