Friday, September 23, 2011

31-B When you get stuck work on You!

The upcoming weeks topic is Listen to your Heart!  Join me tomorrow to read more and get the fieldwork and questions!

When you are at a place in your life and you don't know what the next step is, do something to grow and learn just for you.  If you turn the search inside instead of outside, your path will become clear.  What do you need in your life right now?  Only you know!

All of the answers are inside you.  You just have to look inside and be willing to trust that you are following the best path for you.  Things are unfolding at a perfect rate and your path is perfect for the growth you are ready for right now.  Be open to the questions and the challenges that show up for you along the way and you will get the answers.  You may not be able to see the whole path so focus on the next step- one step at a time will get you there! 
When you turn inside and you ask for what you need and are open for the answers, the universe will provide.  Sometimes your lesson may come in the way of something hard that you must work through, and sometimes the answer may be something simple and enjoyable, but the growth and learning is wrapped up in there somewhere.  Look inside and see what work you need to do on you and your path will become clear.  When you get stuck and look inside, you show the universe that you are ready for the next step.  Show the universe you are ready now!

Either journal about the following questions or spend some time working through the answers.
- Are you stuck right now?
- When you look inside, what do you see?
- What do you need in your life right now?
- What do you think your next step is and are you open to receiving the message?
- Are you ready to grow and learn and take the next step on your path?
- What step are you ready to take today?

Turn your search inside and see what you need in your life right now.  Do something this week to work on you!  Be open for the growth you are ready for!

Bonus Challenge:
Sign up for a class, read a book or learn that new skill you know you are ready for.  Don't wait any longer to work on you!

Quote: Bruce Jenner- If you want to take your mission in life to the next level, if you're stuck and you don't know how to rise, don't look outside yourself. Look inside.

Enjoy the journey!
Coach Gaye

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